PD Installation and start tips
PD Community
PD under Mandrake (9)
- Download RPM file
for installation is best to be logged in as root
- Doubleclick invoke your packetmanager
- install without check dependencies
- in the moment PD likes to have libtcl.so.0 and libtk.so.0 (the last is a zero) so you have to create symbolic links with
ln -s libtcl8.3.so libtcl.so.0
ln -s libtk8.3.so libtk.so.0
Now you are ready to go. Best is as root/ superuser, because than you can use the -rt parameter:
pd -audiobuf 100 -rt
If you can't go as root, try to increase the audiobuffers
pd -audiobuf 300
Switch off things you don't need. For example add -nomidi when you dont work with midi or -noadc if you dont use audioinput. In fact I didn't get input to run at Access Space so my start looks like
pd -nomidi -noadc -audiobuf 100 -rt
PD under Mac OSX (thanks to Justin)
- first you have to install a proper version of TCL/ TK.
The graphical userinteface is made with this window toolkit, communicating with the realtime core. Recommanded is a package named TclTkAqua-8.4.1-Jaguar.dmg. The amount of Tcl/Tk packages is irritating and not all worked at least for me. Fetch it from sourceforge.
- download and unpack the PD version for OSX.
Recommended is a version with 0.36 even if it might bear test in the name, it runs much better then 0.35.
- launch terminal and start pd with the full path.
If you put it in the main application folder, its something like
/Applications/pd-0.36-test6/bin/pd -audiobuf 100 -rt
assuming you are root or superuser. Remember that you can use the TAB key to expand the filenames like in Linux!
GEM under Mac OSX
- Download GEM for MacOSX
- Unpack
- copy folder content to your pd installation, under /gem
- copy or move Gem.PD_Darwin to PDs extra folder
- start with additional parameter -lib gem