Richard Bolam - Hyperscape 2
     HyperScape II is a variation on the ideas explored in HyperScape I. However, this time I have written the software with SuperCard 3.6. SuperCard is effectively HyperCard on steroids. The reason I am using it is that it provides colour support and will run in a 4Mb memory partition while other development tools require a lot more memory and HyperCard only supports colour as an afterthought.

I intend to run Hyperscape 2 on 5 Mac LC475s, each with 8Mb of memory.

SuperCard supports colour and I am using 8bit bitmaps to create the images. I wanted to keep the basis of it simple so have used a palette of only 6 colours, red, yellow, green, blue black and white. Further image depth is achieved using overlapping fill patterns and repeated sections.

The effect is similar to that produced by HyperScape I and makes me think of cross sections through an imaginary abstract cityscape. I subtitled a previous more multicoloured version "Tokyo Skyline". This is not the version I intend to use for the installation as less is more (and lots of it).

I consider these works the beginning of my "Fish Tank" period. I am trying to produce works that are interesting, compelling and beautiful and that have some conceptual element but not to the detriment of the artistic content. I want to create work that is decorative, meaningful and professionally presented and I want it to be seen. Although my work is probably recognisable I try to avoid imposing too much personality on it. I want it to work without having to know my personal history.

Richard Bolam (August 2003)

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