Hyperscape 1

I have worked with Macintosh computers since 1990 and have seen how machines such as these have progressed from being expensive and highly desirable to obsolete.

This installation could have been made 10 years ago using exactly the same technology but the cost would have been prohibitively expensive. Now it costs nothing.

It is easy to forget that these computers run just as fast as when they were new. The upgrade spiral has left a wake of perfectly adequate computers with nothing to do.

The generated screen imagery  suggests a cross section through an imaginary cityscape. I am particularly interested in generative artworks. I am also very interested in works that could be installed permanently and change very gradually such that you are barely aware of it.

Being involved with Redundant Technology has made me look at existing technology with a view to making works with what is available rather than being tempted to use more and more powerful computers. Even with such computers the possibilities are endless. I am already planning several other works using these or other obsolete computers.

I am interested in looking for possibilities for making artworks with anything.

Richard Bolam

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